Static, Headless e-commerce, ft.
Git, CSS, Next.js, SCSS, HTML5, Bootstrap 5

Kanda Work is focused on speed optimization in terms of real-world performance for the modern web where your customer satisfaction is based on your overall UX strategy. Go!

Ecommerce Only
Plus Kanda Support

This package is for ecommerce only including basic seo, maineinance, analytics, optimizations, and A/B testing.
Plan, manage and design with all-in-one flexible software!

What Do You Get with this Package?

Make sure all your tasks are organized so you can set the priorities and focus on important.

Web Development

We'll provide the domain (if not already acquired) and post development needs on the basis of a contract-less relationship. This package includes 4 pages of web pages. We can increase the number of pages on demand.

Marketing Galore

We'll actively manage your email newsletter as well as content scheduling for your social media platforms via Kanda Social.

Kanda Support

Kanda Support is split in two. Our designated support system as well as one that which we deploy for you to provide the best possible human-centric system for your clients. In this package, you get both - more details later.

Kanda Social Standard

This package comes with Kanda Social ultimate which is a plan under Kanda Social for large teams with 1TB of storage for a year.

Kanda Brand Standard

Use our logo and asset platform to improve your website over time with unique images for your blog posts, pages and more.

Kanda Access Club

All our clients are automatically signed up to our Kanda Access Club that includes our loyalty program. More details later.

DIY Questionnaire

Get started faster 

Conversational system

Kanda Bot can be deployed on your website, too

Our Kanda Support system is available around the clock